But wait, there's more.

Remember that I said there was this one bug:
"Open mouth + Touching Baddie = No more chewing and swallowing."

 I thought I could just fix it real quick. It was bound to be an issue with the Mouth Animation Tree, State Machine:

[ those with a keen eye will notice that it's actually a clone with every state ending in "2" on the left. Those are when she's blushing.
I really need to clean it up but extra connections just mean the states can transition directly so it's okay ]

So I added connections, still wasn't working. But surely it's the Timer, (Roxie has a Timer that has her close her mouth if no Treat is nearby)...

(overflow is used for both barf and sugar)
Messing with that didn't help, what the heck?.

Hours later I realized it wasn't directly related to any of those... but they didn't help.

So step 1, identify the problem (why/when does it actually happen): Her mouth locks up after she tried to eat a Goodie (the blue treat, also latest addition).

She has a "treats_ahoi" variable that indicates if she sees a Treat, which is why she won't close her chomper until all nearby treats are gone. So I did:

    treats_ahoi = CA_Sight.get_overlapping_areas() # Brute-force to see that there's nothing there

That's right, I brute forced it! It's not pretty, But that's how Programming goes.


Roxie Rockets Twice Play in browser
Feb 01, 2021

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